Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Warm Weather

So the warm weather has spurred me to initiate more changes in my life in pursuit of my love of biking.  The first one is I'm going to quit smoking.  At 23 I still consider myself quite young, however, I've smoked in a closeted fashion since I was about 16 and openly a pack a day since I was 18. 

Smoking started off as the "cool" thing to do when younger as a kid interested in the whole "punk rock scene" now it's more a hindrance upon something I'm trying to do out of love for the activity and a desire to become an overall healthier and more active individual. That being said, as of this evening I'm putting on the nicotine patch and not looking back as I continue my trip down this road on two wheels.

The warm weather has also brought out some good rides.  It has been nice to just jump on the bike and go for a little spin where as with the winter weather I've kept my cycling more need based.  As in if I needed to take a trip to the store then I rode there, or if I needed to head to a friends place, I rode there.  Yeah I could have just as easily jumped in my car and gotten to either place without snot frozen to my face, but the point is to rely more on the bike as a means of transportation as opposed to the car wherever possible.

I was a little disappointed today to see that the Hank Aaron trail which is one of my favorite destinations for a random leisurely rides was still covered in snow, though hopefully a few more days of this warm weather will change all that.

Hope the rest of you out there are getting some of this warm weather too and you're taking advantage of it by cycling!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Entering a new world...

So as of the writing of this post right here, I've been cycling for roughly one year.  Only about 6 months of that have I spent any measurable amount of time trying to learn the ins and outs of what cycling in a city such as Milwaukee is really all about.  

I guess I got into the who thing for a couple of different reasons.  One is I thought it was cool, I like the idea of traveling through the city released from the constraints imposed upon us by our vehicles. I get a real sense of freedom when I'm out there on my bike as opposed to stuck in my car waiting for traffic, lights, pedestrians, etc.  The second reason was my own health.  Up to this point I've been a pack a day smoker, and I'm admittedly overweight.  My thought was if I'm going to exercise it may as well be something I enjoy. As stated above, I enjoy cycling quite a bit.

I suppose my aim for this blog is a means to track my progression towards being a healthier individual as well as my progression towards being less of an admitted newb in the world of cycling.  I hope that anyone that reads this finds it interesting or perhaps inspiring as getting out there and riding a bike regardless of what they know in terms of jargon and what is "right and wrong" in the world of cycling.