Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Night riding, the loss of cycling funds, and other random musings.

So thus far, I'm actually failing reasonably hard at the whole blogging things for the very few people I'm sure that have stumbled across this, my most sincere apologies.  Anyway, on to the subject(s) at hand.

The first, night riding

Don't ask me why, mostly because I couldn't really tell you; but I love riding at night.  Maybe it's because I feel like I'm some sort of crazy bike ninja stealthily swerving through traffic (Unlikely, because I use both a blinkie light and a head light so I feel like I make my presence known, and I obey traffic laws so long as it is within reason). Or, maybe it's the way the city slows down a bit, and I feel like I catch more of it ( Not that my city is all that happening to begin with).

Regardless, I honestly just love riding at night.  As I'm writing this right now, I've just finished roughly a little three mile or so ride. That's purely an estimation, I don't have a fancy distance computer or anything, just basing it off of what I know so far as distances traveled, in the past. I feel good, great actually.  I don't think I ever feel better than after I've been on a ride, regardless of the distance.

Let's see what else... Oh yeah, loss of cycling funds.

By no means am I hugely political dude.  In fact, more often than not I'm more likely to just shrug my shoulders and move on when the subject of politics comes up.  It's not that I don't have my own opinion, trust me I do, it's that I've learned that talking about politics with almost anyone is a recipe for disaster.

I'm pretty sure I mentioned at some point I live in Wisconsin, or at least Milwaukee.  As I'm sure most people in the country know (those with a tv or internet connection), our governor is making some changes around the state.  More or less the big news worthy part of it is he is attempting to take away the collective bargaining rights of state employees. They are obviously not happy about this.  I'm not too fond of it myself, but again, I stayed out of any major discussions on the subject amongst friends and random strangers.  I'm far too much of a pacifist for all that jazz.  What did piss me off considerably is the fact that Governor Walker has cut the funding for future cycling and pedestrian path development, something to the tune of 2.4 million annually.  I feel like in the big scheme of things that's a drop in the bucket that could have been left alone. Let's face it, Wisconsinites are fat fuckers most of us could use all the incentive we can get to get our tubby asses out of the house and doing something.  On top of that, those paths and bike lanes were making the city a much safer place for the likes of myself who are just starting to learn to navigate the traffic on a bike.  It sucks, and so does our Governor for taking that away, regardless of the other stuff he has planned.

That's it for tonight, keep riding folks!